Paper Text

Should appear in the following order: Title, Authors’ names and addresses, Corresponding author’s email, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References and Illustrations (Tables, Figures, maps, plates/photos, etc.). Each illustration should be numbered serially as a separate set.

Main section headings in the manuscript should be bolded, centred and of uppercase letters. Do not underline the title or section headings. Minimise use of scientific names in the Title. Subsections (also bolded) may be included and only the first letter of the subsection should be capitalised. All sections in the manuscript should be written in a narrative, focusing on the message enshrined in the objective. Use of bullets is extremely discouraged.

Use SI units of measurement, and italicise all non-words (except names) and scientific names. Use numerals before standard units of measurements, e.g. 3 g, 9 days, 36 hr, 50 kg ha-1, metric tonnes and t.  Use words for numbers one to nine, and numerals for larger numbers, especially in the text. For commonly used terms and abbreviations, consult the latest edition of Council of Biological Editors. Non-standard abbreviations should be avoided, and where used, should be explained at their first mention.