References Guidelines

MUJAES uses the Harvard citation style. Only published articles (journals and proceedings) or books may be cited. In addition, articles with evidence of official acceptance by journals for publication are considered as “In press” and are citable. Articles referred to as “In press” should not be dated older than one year relative to the time when the current manuscript is being submitted. Papers presented at conferences or workshops dating two years or more without being published should not be cited. All author names should bear their initials after the surname or last name of each author or co-author, but separated by a comma. Examples of reference listing are indicated below:


For journals list as:

Nyadanu, D., Dapaah, H. and Agyekum, A.D. 2014. Resistance to post-harvest microbial rot in yam: Integration of genotype and storage methods. African Crop Science Journal 22(2):89 – 95.


For proceedings list as:

Skenjana, N.L. and Kubheka, B.P. 2013. Can Vermicompost be used as medium amendment for Swiss chard seedling production? African Crop Science Conference Proceedings 11: 79 – 85.


Kibunja, N.C. 1985. Agricultural residues as rhizobia carriers in Kenya. In: Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Africa. Proceedings of the First AABNF Conference, Nairobi Kenya. H Ssali and S.O. Keya (Eds.). Matianum Press Consultants, Nairobi. pp.160-172.


For books list as:

DeVries, J. and Toenniessen, G. 2001. Securing the Harvest: Biotechnology, Breeding and Seed Systems for African Crops. The Cromwell Press, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, UK. 208pp.


For online publications list as (include DOI where available):

Somayanda, M., Morete, I., Ismail, J.M., Rainer, S., Johnson, S. 2013. Zn uptake, translocation, and grain Zn loading in rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes selected for Zn deficiency tolerance and high grain Zn. Journal of Experimental Botany. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ert118.


Zachary, G.P. 2008. Africa plays the rice card. Foreign Policy. May/June 2008 (web-exclusive story). id=4306. Accessed 26 August 2008.


For thesis list as:

Abebe, G. 2012. Soil characterisation and evaluation of slow release urea fertilizer rates on yield traits and grain yields of wheat and Teff on vertisols of Jamma district of South Wollo Zone, Amhara Region. M.Sc. Thesis. Haremaya University, Ethiopia. 72pp.


For others:

Personal communication may be cited only in the text and not listed in the Reference section. Provide name, title, institution or organisation (address), and year. Only top professionals/experts on the subject are considered for “personal communication”.


There may be cases of articles not easily accessible, particularly electronically. In such cases use of “as cited by” could be acceptable, but only the citer’s article is listed in the Reference section of the manuscript.

Should be concise along with statistical tools, where applicable, to enable readers make factual inferences. Avoid narrative texts that reproduce information already presented in illustrations. Data should be presented only in one form and this section should have no citation.